1. JSSK launch 1st June 2011
2. NRHM start 5 April 2005
3. NUHM started 2008
4. 0.5 to 0.8 MG per litre fluoride is normal in drinking water
5. Under five clinic also known as well baby clinic
6. Salter scale used for low birth weight monitoring
7. VDRL test used for diagnosis of STD
8. Sick test used diphtheria
9. Classical dengue fever known as the break bone fever
10. Measles known as the rubella
11. Leprosy is another name is the Hansen disease
12. Diphtheria whooping cough transmitted by droplet infection
13. Tubectomy permanent contraceptive method in female
14. Vasectomy permanent contraceptive method of male
15. Red Cross Society founder Henry Duralt 1919
16. MMR maternal mortality rate birth and death registration act passed 1969 Birth registration time 21 days
17. Death registration time 21 days.
18. 8 my 1984 declared smallpox the world
19. Oral polio vaccine stored -20 degree temperature
20. in pregnancy pregnant mother given 2- TT dose
21. pulse polio immunization programme start 1995
22. transplacental vertical transmission eg-AIDS ,syphilis , torch
23. Hepatitis A. diarrhoea, Typhoid fever is transmitted by contaminated food and
24. Dengue malaria Chikungunya Filaria ji Kala Azhar is a Vector Borne Disease Epidemic usually effective large population
25. Koplik spot are seen in measles
26. Mums is a acute infectious disease caused by an RNA virus paramyxo virus Poliomyelitis is caused by polio virus incubation 7 to 14 days
27. Qunien is the common treatment of Malaria
28. Slim disease also known as the HIV
29. Treatment of HIV giving anti retroviral drug Zidovudin
30. first case of HIV in Chennai 1986
31. Rabies is caused by Lassa virus Type- 1 found warm blooded animals like dog
Census in done every 10 - year 1. census in India 1881
32. tragi system used in in disaster and Management
33. Silicosis is occupational disease show X-Ray in snowstorm
34. ESI act passed 1948
35. first generation intrauterine contraceptive device is a lippes loop
36. Second generation intrauterine device copper-T 200, prevent 5 year copper T 380 prevent 10 year pregnancy
37. 3rd Generation hormonal intrauterine device LNG (Marina)
38. Copper T instillation timing 7 to 10 days during menses ,first week after delivery ,Bleeding is a commonest complication
39. Combined pills oestrogen progesterone example Mala- N and Mala D in Mala -N levonorgestrel
40. MTP Act was passed 1971 duration 12 week pregnancy RMP doctor
41. Mishon indradhanush start 26 December 2014
42. 2005- eradicate Polio in India
43. STD Disease Control Programme 1946
44. National Malaria Control Programme 1953
45. National leprosy Control Programme 1955
46. Mid day meal programme 1961
47. National Goiter Control Programme 1962
48. National Cancer Control Programme 1975
49. National blindness Control Programme 1976
50. National AIDS control programme 1987
51. Janani Suraksha Yojana 2005
52. Bhore committee – 1946 ( health survey and development committee)
53. Mudaliar committee -1962 ( health survey and planning committee )
54. Kartar singh committee-1974( multi-purpose worker committee)
55. W H O -7 April 1948 headquarter in Geneva
56. UNICEF- 1946 Headquarter New York
57. UNDP -1966 Headquarter New York
58. Food and Agriculture Organisation -1945 headquarter ROM
59. International Labour Organisation- 1919 headquarter Geneva
60. USAID -1961 headquarter Washington
61. International Red Cross Society -1919 headquarter Geneva
62. Indian Red Cross 1920 ( 700 branches in India work relief work milk and medical
supply armed forces and services family planning blood bank and first aid)
63. Hind quekusth Nivaran Sangh 1950 Headquarter New Delhi
64. Tuberculosis Association of India 1939
65. Kasturba Memorial fund 1944
66. Family planning Association of India 1949 headquarter Mumbai
67. One sub Centre cover 3000 to 5000 population nom of total staff- 3
68.One PHC cover 20000 to 30000 population number of total staff -15
69. One CHC cover 80000 to 120000 population number of total staff- 25